
My thoughts on leadership continually evolve. It is about listening to others, and also about believing in yourself. Self-awareness is critical, as you are part of the team you lead. Leading at scale means agreeing on the problems to be solved, and then enabling people to do their best work. Great outcomes are a team sport.

Leadership Philosophy

Teaching (and Learning)

Know the work. Set high, customer-focused expectations. Empower teams to develop their own methods to success


If there is joy, innovation will blossom. Creating conditions which lead to innovation are instrumental to great outcomes

Scaling Excellence

Creative organizations scale through a balance of intellectual diversity, individual recognition, and operational structure focused on delivering  

Leading ServiceNow's Design Experience Organization

The company accelerator, which I had the privilege to lead under the guidance of company founder Fred Luddy. Comprised of a plucky, hand-picked team of product people who also coded, designed, tested, and managed products. Over a 4 year period, we developed UI15, UI16, ServiceNow Connect, Connect Support, ServiceNow Mobile, Visual Task Boards, and Service Portal. Whew!

Building ServiceNow's Design Excellence

By 2017, ServiceNow's design need had increased exponentially and developing this group became my primary focus. Within one year we tripled team size to 80 designers in-house. Highlights included the acquisition of Digital Telepathy, designing Modular Workspace, and laying out ServiceNow's component framework strategy. Today, ServiceNow's Experience Organization is over 400 strong and has among the most diverse teams and highest employee retention rates across the company.

The Design Experience DOJO

ServiceNow's Design studio (colloquially known as "The Dojo"), enhances creativity and the ability to attract and retain talent. It borrows agency aesthetics and demonstrates lessons learned from previous efforts. Designed over the holidays along with key members of my staff, this experience will always be a great memory.